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What is the Orkney Youth Forum?

The Orkney Youth Forum is a group created to give Orkney’s young people a platform to share their voices together.  We are supported by the council’s Community Learning and Development Team and our local MSYPs (Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament). 

Our purpose is to try and involve young people and local youth organisations and work together on issues concerning the young people in Orkney.  Our group is made up of young people, MSYPs, and Councillors from Orkney Islands Council. 

We meet regularly throughout the year and attend other meetings such as with the local NHS, Elected Members and Orkney Health and Care.  We also invite others along to our meetings when needed like the Climate Change Officer and other Council officials.

We have had opportunities to enter chamber debates, participate in outdoor education activities and join additional projects such as this website project!

You can read all about it in our newsletter, and find out what we’re up to at the moment by checking out our social media accounts or the Orkney Youth Forum website.